Senin, 11 Juli 2016

Hubungan Bahasa Inggris Bisnis dengan Akuntansi

Akuntansi adalah pengukuran, penjabaran, atau pemberian kepastian mengenai informasi yang akan membantu manajer, investor, otoritas pajak dan pembuat keputusan lain untuk membuat alokasi sumber daya keputusan di dalam perusahaan, organisasi, dan lembaga pemerintah. Akuntansi adalah seni dalam mengukur, berkomunikasi dan menginterpretasikan aktivitas keuangan. Secara luas, akuntansi juga dikenal sebagai "bahasa bisnis".

Salah satu materi akuntansi adalah membuat laporan keuangan. Di dalam laporan keuangan terdapat akun-akun yang berbahasa inggris seperti cash,debet,credit,goodwill,supplies dan lain-lain. Dengan mengetahui arti dari akun-akun tersebut akan sangat membantu kita dalam mengerjakan pekerjaan yang di jalani dan juga kita bisa tau isi dari laporan keuangan yang di publikasikan untuk umum. Ketika kita memasuki dunia kerja maka kita akan menemukan atasan orang asing yang mewajibkan kita untuk menggunakan bahasa inggris.

Terkadang seorang mahasiswa menganggap bahasa inggris tidak begitu penting padahal bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yang banyak di gunakan oleh perusahaan.

Kita perlu tahu bahwa akun-akun yang berbahasa inggris yang terdapat dalam sebuah laporan keuangan berbeda sekali dengan arti yang terdapat dalam kamus bahasa inggris yang sering kita gunakan sehari-hari,maka dari itu kita harus benar-benar tahu arti dari akun tersebut. Kita sering menjumpai buku-buku akuntansi yang menggunakan bahasa inggris seperti intermediate Accounting.

Bahasa Inggris bisnis dapat pula meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris untuk situasi bisnis dalam akuntan. Adapun dalam bahasa Inggris untuk bisnis, kita harus terampil berpidato, bernegosiasi dan berbicara lewat telepon dengan klaen pada saat kita berbisnis nantinya.

Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa hubungan akuntansi dengan bahasa inggris sangatlah berpengaruh dan penting. Karena itu kita di wajibkan menguasai bahasa inggris secara mendalam untuk mempermudah kita dalam mengerjakan pekerjaan yang di jalani.

source : diakses pada 11-07-2016 pada 17:45 PM

Minggu, 10 Juli 2016



Subject complement is a noun , pronoun , adjective , or another construction (acting as a noun or adjective ) following verbs of being or linking verb and serves to explain or refer to the subject of the sentence . Subject complement is divided into three , namely : predicate adjective ( subjects connected with the adjective ) , predicate noun ( subject associated with the noun ) , and predicate pronoun (subject connected with the pronoun) .
For example:
   1.  He is a really nice guy.
   2. “He” is the subject of the sentence, controlling the verb and the complement.
   3.  My dog attacked the burglar.
   4. “My dog” is the subject, controlling the verb and the rest of the sentence.

Verb ( verb ) is a function word to indicate the action of the subject , showing events or circumstances . Verb is one of the eight parts of speech . English verbs are not always simple shape ( one word ) , but may be the result of a combination of phrases into phrasal verbs with particle ( get in , make-up , read over ) .
For example:   1. Paul rides a bicycle.
                        2. Here, the verb rides certainly denotes an action which Paul performs – the                                             action of riding a bicycle.
                        3. We buy some books to learn English verbs.

A complement is the part of a Sentence that comes after the VERB and is needed to make the sentence complete. The following are the most important types of complement used in English:
Eg: She sent him the fax. (The setence is completed by telling us what she sent to him.)
Eg: They’ll be happy. (The sentence is completed by the Adjective; this could be extended further, they’ll be happy to see us, etc..)
Eg: They talked about what needed doing.
Tells the time, place or manner of the action. Very often it’s a prepositional phrase. Prepotional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun.
Note :
1.   John bought a book at the bookstore
(modifier place)
2.      Jill was swimming in the pool yesterday
(modifier of place)(modifier of time)
3.      Mery was driving car in the street
(modifier of place)

NPM               : 22213149
KELAS           : 3EB15

Sumber :,  diakses pada tanggal 29-05-2016 pukul 11:18 AM
diakses pada tanggal 11-07-2016 pukul 13:08

Subject & Verb Agreement

Subject and verb must agree in number: both must be singular, or both must be plural. Problems occur in the present tense because one must add an -s or -es at the end of the verb when the subjects or the entity performing the action is a singular third person: he, she, it, or words for which these pronouns could substitute.
Here are some examples of subject verb agreement (the subject is bolded and the verb underlined):
  v  My dog always growls at the postal carrier.
  v  Basketballs roll across the floor.
  v  I don’t understand the assignment.
  v  These clothes are too small for me.
  v  Peter doesn’t like vegetables.

Singular Indefinite Pronouns
Here are some examples of subject verb agreement with singular indefinite pronouns:
  v  Each gets a trophy for playing.
  v  Somebody will pay for this.
  v  Anybody is more fun than you.
  v  Something is very wrong here.
  v  Everybody enjoys a good book.
  v  Nothing has been determined as of yet.

Plural Indefinite Prounouns
Here are some examples of subject verb agreement with plural indefinite pronouns:
  v  Both are qualified for the job.
  v  Many went to the beach and got sunburned.
  v  Few know what it really takes to get ahead.

Sumber : ,diakses pada tanggal 29-05-2016 pukul 11:38 AM
diakses pada tanggal 11-07-2016 pukul 13:03

Modal auxiliary

Modal Auxiliary itu kata kerja yang bertugas membantu kata kerja utama. Jadi Modal Auxiliary adalah kata kerja pembantu, dan kata kerja utama itu adalah “majikannya”.

Contoh: I will explain about modal auxiliary. “Will” adalah kata kerja bantu yang bertugas membantu kata kerja utamanya yaitu “Explain”. Karena hanya pembantu, sehingga ketika dihilangkan tidak akan menjadi masalah. Tapi kalau kata kerja utamanya yang dihilangkan, maka kalimat tersebut akan kehilangan makna.

  Ø  Contoh dan Fungsi Modal Auxiliary Verbs.
     1)      WILL
Fungsi: Berbicara tentang pekerjaan di masa depan,
Contoh: I won’t (will not) be in the office until 11; I’ve got a meeting
Membuat semi formal permintaan,
     2)      SHALL
Fungsi: Untuk menawarkan sesuatu,
Contoh: Shall I fetch you another glass of wine? Membuat kalimat saran,
     3)      MAY & MIGHT
Fungsi: Menggambarkan pekerjaan yang mungkin terjadi. Bedanya May lebih memungkinkan terjadi (50% chance); sedangkan might lebih meragukan (mungkin hanya 30% chance).
Contoh: She may be back in her office: the lecture finished ten minutes ago.
    4)      WOULD
Fungsi: Bentuk past dari will.
Contoh: He said the next meeting would be in a month’s time. Permintaan tolong yang lebih halus dari “will”. Contoh: Would you like another cup of tea?
      5)      CAN & COULD
  Ø  Berbicara tentang kemampuan.
Contoh: Can you speak Mandarin? (present)
She could play the piano when she was five. (past)
  Ø  Membuat permintaan,
Contoh: Can you give me a ring at about 10?
Could you speak up a bit please? (slightly more formal, polite or ‘softer’)
  Ø  Permohonan izin,
Contoh: Can I ask you a question? Could I ask you a personal question? (more formal, polite or indirect)
      6)      MUST
  Ø  Untuk menunjukkan sebuah kewajiban atau keharusan.
Contoh: People must try to be more tolerant of each other.
  Ø  Sugesti/saran/ajakan yang kuat.
Contoh: I think you really must make more of an effort.
     7)      SHOULD
  Ø  Memberi Saran.
Contoh: I think you should go for the Alfa rather than the Audi.
  Ø  Kewajiban, tapi lebih lemah dari “must”.
Contoh: The equipment should be inspected regularly. (Peralatan harus diperiksa secara rutin).
      8)      OUGHT TO
Ought to punya makna yang sama dengan should, biasanya dipakai pada kalimat affirmative pada waktu present (saat ini). Contoh: You should/ought to get your hair cut.

sumber :, diakses pada tanggal 29-05-2016 pada pukul 13:40 PM

Affirmative & Negative Agreement, Negation, Commands

Affirmative Agreement Untuk menghilangkan pengulangan kata pada suatu kalimat kita bisa menggunakan kata “so”atau “too”. Ada perbedaan pada susunan kalimatnya ketika menggunaan kata “so” dan “too”. Silahkan perhatikan rumus berikut:

Ketika hanya ada “to be” pada klausa utama (main clause), maka tenses yang sama dari “to be” digunakan pada klausa kedua (second clause).

Contoh kalimat
1. I am hungry = I am hungry, and you are too.
2. You are hungry = I am hungry, and so are you.
Affirmative statement (to be) + and + Subject + to be + too
So + to be + subject
Contoh kalimat
1. Their plane is arriving at 7 o’clock, and so is mine.
2. I am sick, and He is too.
3. Our class is clean, and so are theirs.
4. Bella is beautiful, and her sister is too.
5. My hand writing is bad, and so are you.
Ketika hanya ada kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb), contohnya: will, should, has, have, must, etc pada klausa utama (main clause), kata kerja bantu nya (auxiliary verb) juga digunakan pada klausa kedua (second clause).
Contoh kalimat
1. He has seen her plays = He has seen her plays, and the girls have too.
2. The girls have seen her plays = He has seen her plays, and so have the girls.
Affirmative statement + and + Subject + auxiliary verb only + too
(auxiliary verb) So + auxiliary verb only + subject
Contoh kalimat 
1. They will go at noon, and she will too.
2. He has an early appointment, and so have I.
3. They have written their lyrics, and so have we.
4. Richard has lived in Cuba for five years, and they have too.
5. I should finish the report, and she should too.
Ketika hanya ada kata kerja (verb) tanpa auxiliary verb pada klausa utama (main clause), kata kerja bantu do, does, atau did digunakan pada klausa kedua (second clause) dan tenses nya harus sama.
Contoh kaimat
1. We go to school = We go to school, and my brother does too.
2. My brother goes to school = We go to school, and so does my brother.
Affirmative statement + and + Subject + (do, does, did) + too
(single verb except ”to be”) So + (do, does, did) + subject
Contoh kalimat 
1. We want to buy a fountain, and she does too.
2. My mother likes traveling, and so do their mother.
3. My brother invites him to the party, and my sister does too.
4. They wrote a good poem, and so did he.
5. Fred cooked fried rice for his breakfast, and Tina did too.
Negative Agreement
“Either” dan “neither” memiliki fungsi yang sama seperti kata “too” dan “so” pada klausa kedua (second clause) dalam kalimat positif (affirmative sentence/ agreement). Kata “Either”dan “neither” ini digunakan untuk mengindikasikan kalimat negative (negative sentence/ agreement). Aturan yang sama juga berlaku untuk penggunaan “to be”, “auxiliary verb” (kata kerja bantu), dan “verb” (kata kerja).
Contoh kalimat
1. I didn’t go to the mosque yesterday, and Ali didn’t either.
2. I didn’t go to the mosque yesterday, and neither did Ali.
Negative statement + and + Subject + negative auxiliary or “to be” + either
Neither + positive auxiliary or “to be” + subject

Contoh kalimat 
1. The manager isn’t too happy with the project, and neither is his assistant.
2. We can’t study in the library, and he can’t either.
3. You didn’t pay the taxes, and they didn’t either.
4. My brother won’t accept my father’s decision, and my sister won’t either.
5. He doesn’t know the answer, and neither does she.
To make a sentence negative, add the negative particle not after the auxiliary or verb be. If there is no auxiliary or be, add the appropriate form of do, does, or did and place in word not after that.
John is rich                  John is not rich
Mark has seen Bill       Mark has not seen Bill
The following examples contain no auxiliary and thus use do, does, or did.
Marvin likes spinach   Marvin does not like spinach
They went to class      They did not go to class
If there is a noun in the complement of a negative sentence, one should add the particle any before the noun.
Some affirmative sentences
Any negative sentences and question
e.g. John has some money
John doesn’t have any money
A command is an imperative statement. One person orders another to do something. It can be preceded by please. The understood subject is you. Use the simple form of the verb.
Close the door leave the room
Please turn off the light Open your book
Source :

(diakses pada 11 juli 2016 pukul 12.32)